Saturday, September 25, 2010

Really liked the article on boys, reading, and technology

In the last post, Stephen sent me a great link to an article from The Wall Street Journal you may find interesting:

It discusses the discrepancy between girls and boys in reading, and argues that, to get boys reading, it doesn't take giving them more material that they relate to (or find gross), but rather, we should take AWAY the distraction of technology.

Hmm...I found that a good morsel to chew on in my house.

I agree, that boys will enjoy the Classics if given the chance - they do savor reading books with substance - what boy wouldn't like a story of shipwreck and survival? I don't believe they would, in an honest world, tell you that nerds and a cheese touch make for better books.

Boys in my classroom read the gamut...from Star Wars to Zoobreak...but they do get involved, knowing that during reading time in there is no Wii, DS, or computers going on. It is reading - holding a book and letting yourself get lost in a story.

Think about it...weigh how technology affects your young reader. It may encourage you to make some changes.

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