Monday, September 6, 2010

Hmm...I was tempted

Remember how I have said time and time again I wouldn't buy a Kindle. But two days ago, in Barnes and Noble, I caught myself reading the advertisement brochure for the Nook.

Call it wanting the latest gadget or whatever. I don't think I will get one, but I mulled it over in my mind. And I thought about it for our kids.

Think of it -- so many books at their fingertips -- and then, think of it -- so many books at their fingertips.

I am working with several kids in my class on building stamina and sticking with a book. We are working on finding what we like about different books, and giving them a chance to show us something neat by reading it all the way to the end. The Kindle and Nook would be the perfect video game version of books - don't like it - switch - not this one - switch - what else is out there? switch.

Maybe it is a great tool AFTER they have shown they have found a passion in reading. Yet, maybe some will only find a passion for reading if technology is involved.

There are bigger questions in this dilemma, and it depends on your opinion 0whether technology is a friend or not, and in what circumstances.

So I am not buying, anyway...

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