Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The New Rick Riordan Book... out! And he had a launch yesterday at BookPeople in Austin (I MISSED IT, DRAT!)...and several of my kids went.

It was soosoooo cool to see their faces light up when they talked about hearing him read, all the neat things they heard from him about writing, and then their pride in showing where they got personalized author signings in their very own copies of the book. Signings they had to wait over an hour for.

I made a huge deal of it -- but was I fake? NO. I really, sincerely, think it is so cool.  And they have actually motivated me to borrow the first book, The Lightning Thief, from I can read it.

I am totally fascinated by how they are caught up in those series.

And do you think they liked that? YEP. They loved being the ones recommending books to ME.

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